Tf2 crafting slot token melee

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Slot Token - Melee - - Team Fortress 2

How do you get the brass beast in TF2 without sacrificing ... Blueprint: Class Token … - Scout + Slot Token - Melee + Scrap Metal NOTE: This does not guarantee a Sandman, but one of the nine possible melee weapons for scout, Sandman being one of them ... Team Fortress 2 Crafting FAQ | GuideScroll Team Fortress 2 Crafting Frequently Asked Questions by DanPMK. I’ve seen several questions and sometimes incorrect answers about some crafting things, so I decided to make a thread about it. Tell me if you’d like more questions to be added! The guide is broken into 3 sections: General, Headgear, and Weapons. Data Realms Fan Forums - View topic - TF2 Engineer update ... I have 2 class tokens, a primary, secondary, and melee token, a few scraps, and a deadringer that I hate with a passion. Engineer item I don't like + class token = engineer token Engineer token + specific slot token + scrap = engineer item for that slot. Slot Token - Melee -

Jun 30, 2011 · Best Answer: The weapon you get is 100% random, but limited to that slot. So scout token + melee token + scrap can = sandman, candy cane, boston basher, sun on a stick, three rune blade, atomizer, ect If you are not a free user, then you are best off trading 1 or 2 weapons to someone for another weapon.

Crafting - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki Crafting je herní systém, který umožňuje hráčům vytvořit specifické předměty pro použití v Team Fortress 2.Crafting byl představen ve WAR!Aktualizaci, Patch z 17. prosince 2009.Předměty, které lze vytvořit zahrnují zbraně, klobouky, a materiály, které mohou být použity pro budoucí craftění, jako jsou Scrap Metaly nebo Třídní žetony.

Conscientious Objector - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki

Buffalo Steak Sandvich - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team​Steak_Sandvich_3D.jpg 14102,280,202,3,0,165,13,260,151,​5,527,165,3,791,173,11,1042,156,​2,1302,161,0,1560,181,11,1794,163,​4,2035,158,2,2277,187,15,2488,168,​9,2705,157,7,2923,191,30,3097,171 … Sandman - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki The Sandman is an unlockable melee weapon for the Scout. It is a wooden bat with a smooth black grip, complete with a logo reading "The Sandman" engraved on the side, and a black band tied around the end holding a cracked section of wood …

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Crafting - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki Crafting is an in-game system that allows players to create any specific items for use in Team Fortress 2. Crafting was introduced with the WAR! Update in the December 17, 2009 Patch. Items that can be created include weapons, cosmetics, and materials that can be used in further craftings, such as Scrap Metal or Class Tokens. Slot Token - Melee - Prices and stats for Slot Token - Melee, an item in Team Fortress 2. Prices and stats for Slot Token - Melee, an item in Team Fortress 2. Toggle navigation. TF2 Crafting | Blueprints, Recipes, List, Ingredients ... List of all Team Fortress 2 blueprints. Recipes including ingredients. Fabricate Headgear, Smelt and produce weapons and other items. TF2 - How to craft Tokens [HD] - YouTube